2021 Baseball Registration Delayed - Intent to Register, News (Thamesford Minor Baseball)

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Jan 28, 2021 | Lindsay Timmers | 1250 views
2021 Baseball Registration Delayed - Intent to Register
Normally at this time we would be opening registration for the upcoming season. 

Given the uncertainty as to what programming will be allowed, and when, we are holding off for now, to assist the executive in planning for the upcoming season we are asking our families to complete the Intent to register form on our web site. 

Click here for Intent to Register form

Rest assured that the TMBA board is preparing to run a season if at all possible in 2021.  As soon as we have more information, we will update the website and Facebook page with any update’s so we kindly ask that you check back on our website periodically for the up to date information as it becomes available.

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