Rookie Playoffs - update, News (Thamesford Minor Baseball)

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Aug 12, 2017 | Dave Doyle | 1120 views
Rookie Playoffs - update
What great baseball today!!
3 of the 5 games won by one run!

While neither of the Thamesford teams made it to the final 3 I would like to congratulate them both their hard work and team spirit over the tournament. I would also encourage the parents and players to come out and support the 3 teams going for the championship and also to support the Thamesford and Thorndale Rookie Transition teams for their one game battle at 11:00

Game # Team Team Date Time Park
3 Dorchester 3 Thamesford 1 Wed 6:00 PM South
1 Dorchester 1 Thamesford 2 Thurs 6:00 PM South
2 Dorchester 2 Dorchester Thorndale Thurs 6:00 PM North
4 Dorchester 4 Dorchester 1 Fri 6:00 PM South
5 Dorchester 2 Dorchester 3 Fri 6:00 PM North
6 Dorchester Thorndale Thamesford 1 Sat 8:00 AM North
7 Thamesford 2 Dorchester 3 Sat 10:00 AM North
8 Dorchester 1 Thamesford 1 Sat 12:30 PM North
9 Dorchester 4 Dorchester 2 Sat 2:30 PM North
10 Dorchester 1 Dorchester 3 Sat 5:00 PM North
11 Dorchester 4 Dorchester 3 Sun 9:00 AM North
12 Dorchester 2 Winner 11 Sun 1:30 PM North
13 If Necessary Sun 4:00 PM North
A winner take all game between the Thorndale and Thamesford Rookie Transition teams
will take place 11:00 am at North Park.
All games on Saturday and Sunday will be held at North Park.
If there is a rain delay, then we will use South Park if needed to make up the games.
North Park booth will be open during all playoff games
Come check out our playoff specialty items!!

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