Thamesford Minor Baseball Association
Registration for the 2025 Season will be Opening Feb. 1, 2025
New TEAM BOND Hours (50 hrs/Team)
Each family will be required to volunteer 3 hours /Family per team between Team and association events
- No Uniform Deposit
House League- 1 practice, 1-2 games per week
Additional Information
Raffle Tickets
Each TMBA Family must purchase 1 book of raffle tickets. Raffle Tickets can be sold to recuperate the cost. Raffle Tickets are non refundable. Each Book of raffle tickets consists of 15 tickets at a cost of $5.00 Each ($75), This is collected at time of registration, and will be handed out before the season starts.
Families with more than one player on the registration form, the system will add the Raffle fee and then there will be an option to apply a coupon that will deduct the $75 that will be charged. The coupon code that you will use when registering will be RAFFLE2025. Please note only use this coupon after the raffle has been applied to the first player.
Coach/Team Manager (NEW) Incentive
Head coaches and team Managers will be provided with one free player registration, if your interested in applying to be a head coach or Manager please use Cash/Cheque at check out and we will apply the registration coupon for you.
Local league teams will compete within the league to be determined for 2025. Players are placed on local league teams based on the number of registrations in a given division. No tryouts for local league teams will be held. Travel for games consists of Thamesford and London area.
Registration forms will be provided through TMBA website. Payments will be made by
e-transfer, Cash or Cheque or Sportspay if paying by credit card (Service charge will be applied). All registrations must be received by April 15th, 2025.
When checking out and you want to pay by E-transfer please choose Cash/Cheque option.
TMBA seeks sponsorship each season to offset various association costs. Sponsorship of $900 includes a new sign plus one team sponsor on the back of a team Jersey. Sponsors of $500 will receive a company name on the back of one team jerseys. New Sign sponsors $500, or Existing sign renewal $100. For more information of becoming a TMBA 2025 sponsor, please contact a member of the executive for more information.
Late fees
Early Bird Registration is from February 1, 2025 to March 7th 2025. After this date there will be a late fee of $25 applied to each registration received after this date.
Equipment & Uniform Requirements
TMBA will supply Jersey and Hat and cost has been included in you registration. In-Person uniform sizing night will be scheduled at a later date. On the registration form you will be asked to select the player's size for shirts. Gloves, Batting helmets, & Jock/Jill, and Grey Baseball pants are required to be supplied by the player. Bat optional (TMBA has bats available for each team).
Shirt Sizing Chart

New Early Bird Registration runs February 1, 2025- March 7th, 2025!
March 8th to April 15, 2025 an additional charge of $25 per registration will be applied.
Intro To Baseball (4)
Players are taught basic skills such as throwing, catching, and base running. Each session may consist of a combination of skill development, game experience, and other active play games.
Expected to be scheduled on Saturday Mornings.
Teams as registration numbers dictates and Coaching applications received
U6 (T-Ball ) (5-6)
Players are taught basic skills such as throwing, catching, and base running. Each session may consist of a combination of skill development, game experience, and other active play games.
Expected to be scheduled on Saturday Mornings..
House League Teamsas registration numbers dictates and Coaching applications received
U7 (Rookie Transition) (7)
This program bridges the gap between U6 and U9 divisions. Team Structure will be similar to U9 however, will only be played with
7 year old's
Travel for games consists of Thamesford and area.
House League Teamsas registration numbers dictates and Coaching applications received
2017- 2016
U9 (Rookie Ball) (8-9)
This program is an introduction to baseball, Pitching is done by a pitching machine. Travel for games consists of Thamesford and area.
House League Teams as registration numbers dictates and Coaching applications received
House League Teams as registration numbers dictates and Coaching applications received
U13 Pee Wee (12-13)
House League Teamsas registration numbers dictates and Coaching applications received
House League Teamsas registration numbers dictates and Coaching applications received
Additional Fees
Raffle Fee
Each TMBA Family must purchase 1 book of raffle tickets. Raffle Tickets can be sold to recuperate the cost. Raffle Tickets are non refundable. Each Book of raffle tickets consists of 15 tickets at a cost of $5.00 Each
Collected with Registration Fee
Registrations Due April 15, 2025
Payments will be made by etransfer